Get Real Alliance

Remineralization of Soil VS Climate Change

The Get Real Alliance supports rock dust remineralization of soil and wetlands, biochar additions to soil for fertility and water retention, marine wetland restoration and overall agricultural changes. We propose proven ways and methods to change the carbon cycle making the soil and marine wetlands larger sinks of carbon that sequester more carbon and lowers carbon dioxide in the air.

Join the Get Real Alliance and the realistic journey to fight climate change without minimizing oil and gas use.  The components to our nation’s vital economy and our country’s natural resources.

Our Carbon Sequestration Plan ​​

 We need faster growing forests and marine ecosystems in addition to better soil and sea conditions generally which can hold more carbon.  Here is what can be done with a non-punitive affordable carbon tax here in the United States.

GET REAL-A Positive Solution for Climate Change

A digital series based on the book Get Real

#GetRealBook #GetRealAlliance

Our new climate change campaign, which focuses on the remineralization of soil helps reach individuals who want to get involve. Use the hashtags above to follow our mission on social media and as well as spreading awareness by resharing our posts, tagging us (@getrealalliance), and adding #GetRealBook #GetRealAlliance to the caption of the post.

Get Real - A Positive Solution To Climate Change


Will revolutionize your understanding of the global climate issue.  Adapting land management practices to a holistic and regenerative model, David Munson Jr. lays out in plain words how industry and individuals can continue using oil & natural gas, but changes the game with his tangible program of remineralizing the soil and making the Earth carbon negative.


How do we prevent ecological deserts? Or revitalize marine wetlands? What about solving the issue of topsoil erosion?  This book allows readers to "get real" about the issues facing our climate today - providing solutions for generations to come and challenging some conventional wisdom.

Get Real - A Positive Solution to Climate Change